Artistes of the Golden Age of Music Hall

Zanettos On Stage

The costumes worn by The Zanettos were usually oriental or Japanese, leading them to be referred to in many cases as "Japanese Jugglers".

Pip would dress as a woman on stage - but never otherwise! Here he is in an early photo taken in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Below, George and Pip are with their brother Albert, although the more regular third Zanetto was brother Frank. I believe the little boy may be Pip & Lilian's third son, christened Zanetto but known as Dick.

Pip as a woman and Jessie as a young man? No wonder George is laughing!

Several newspaper reviews have been found describing the Zanettos' act based on a naval theme. But just recently we discovered the photo below showing the elaborate stage setting.

There were also reviews of The Zanettos as sailors, and here they are

(photo annotated by Frank's daughter).

Apparently Pip's sister-in-law Mabel helped to make some of their costumes.

Here she is, dressed in the same sailor costume as The Zanettos (see "Mabel's Story").

Note the heels on Pip's shoes ...

The Royal Zanettos

George, Pip, Arthur, Frank & Albert Bale

Artistes of the Golden Age of Music Hall

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